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for a responsible, fair & sustainable food system

Join us

GM Freeze is the UK umbrella campaign on GM food, crops and patents. We rely on  financial contributions from our members and supporters. If you would like to help create a world in which everyone’s food is produced responsibly, fairly and sustainably, please join us.

Individual supporters pay a minimum of £36 (£12 unwaged) a year and receive our regular newsletter Thin Ice by post.

To join as an individual supporter, complete the payment form below or see this form for more payment options.

Unfortunately, because GM Freeze is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee rather than a charity we cannot accept Gift Aid.

Member organisations pay a fee based on their turnover and have a say in how GM Freeze is run. Current members include large NGOs, tiny groups of volunteers, farms, retailers and many other types of organisation. The GM Freeze Management Committee, which has the right to approve, reject and revoke GM Freeze membership, actively encourages enquiries and applications from potential new members who share our vision and values.

More on joining GM Freeze as a member organisation

Join the free email list for updates and action alerts

If no form appears above please contact us on info[at] for other ways to pay.