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for a responsible, fair & sustainable food system

Thin Ice

Our regular newsletter. Printed copies are sent to GM Freeze members and paid-up supporters.

June 2018, Issue 48

5 Jun 2018

More Fishy Business at Rothamsted Research, the latest on Defra’s big agriculture consultation and why high profile GM ventures just aren’t working.

March 2018, Issue 47

12 Mar 2018

News of GM Freeze’s twin Brexit campaigns and our analysis of the European Court of Justice Advocate General’s formal Opinion on new genetic engineering techniques.

December 2017, Issue 46

14 Dec 2017

Our analysis of the unexpected events that led to the re-authorisation of Glyphosate plus details of a new academic study that sheds light on key NGO concerns about agricultural biotechnology.

Sept 2017, Issue 45

11 Sep 2017

Articles on the shocking impact of dicamba in the United States, the latest developments on EU decision making over new GM crops, our new website and a review of the GM Freeze year to April 2017.

June 2017, Issue 44

19 May 2017

News on our Manifesto for the General Election, GM in Europe, Feed me the Truth, the findings of the Monsanto Tribunal and more.

March 2017, Issue 43

14 Mar 2017

News on a new open air trial of GM wheat, pesticide dangers, our Feed me the Truth campaign and international news.

December 2016, Issue 42

2 Dec 2016

News and actions on our much anticipated animal feed campaign Feed me the Truth, news from Europe and a spotlight on India.

September 2016, Issue 41

14 Sep 2016

News on new GM soya beans coming into the UK, our animal feed campaign, new technology troubles and international news from the USA, India and Burkina Faso.

June 2016, Issue 40

30 Jun 2016

News of the approval of two open air GM trials in England and the new research that demonstrates why that shouldn’t have happened. Also, an update on “glypho-gate”, moves to get GM out of the animal feed supply chain in Europe and the USA and a focus on other GM news from across the Atlantic.

March 2016, Issue 39

10 Mar 2016

NGOs v’ industry lobby on new breeding techniques, challenges to EU GM soya imports and other news. We also ask for your input to our forthcoming animal feed campaign and highlight two new applications for GM trials (GM Freeze is objecting).