Thin Ice
Our regular newsletter. Printed copies are sent to GM Freeze members and paid-up supporters.
December 2015, Issue 38
3 Dec 2015
The latest developments on EU national opt-outs; glyphosate, the legal status of new GM techniques and more. We also remember the late Michael Meacher MP and ask for your help in getting more local media coverage for the evidence-based case against GM.
September 2015, Issue 37
21 Sep 2015
GM Wheat fails, Scotland to ban GM, DARK times ahead for the USA and the launch of our two new leaflets.
June 2015, Issue 36
3 Jul 2015
World Health Organisation says that glyphosate probably causes cancer. News on EU opt-outs, new GM imports and the way that maize pollen spreads.
December 2014, Issue 35
16 Dec 2014
The December 2014 issue of our quarterly newsletter for members and supporters. We’ve changed the format a little this time so do please let us know what you think by emailing liz[at]
Stories include EU ‘opt outs’, M&S and Parliament’s inquiry into GM and the precautionary principle.
July 2014, Issue 34
31 Jul 2014
Whitehall breaks EU GM promise to Scots, new chief for GM Freeze, global news roundup.
April 2014, Issue 33
2 May 2014
Bt cotton ban in Karnataka, GM maize ban in Mexico, clones for food in the EU and international news roundup,
January 2014, Issue 32
4 Mar 2014
No consensus on GM safety, I’m Steve Marsh, cloning and salmon updates and international news roundup.
October 2013, Issue 31
31 Oct 2013
Another year of damaged Bt crops in US and Brazil, Ghana GM tug-of-war and international round up.
July 2013, Issue 30
31 Jul 2013
UK Government’s new pro-GM sales pitch, EU legal news, international roundup.
April 2013, Issue 29
7 May 2013
Non-GM market gains ground, UK supermarkets dump non-GM feed.