July 2010, Issue 18
31 Jul 2010
New UK Government dogged by pro-GM allegations, GM pigs, UK GM potato trials and new poll shows shoppers reject GM animal feed.
Our regular newsletter. Printed copies are sent to GM Freeze members and paid-up supporters.
31 Jul 2010
New UK Government dogged by pro-GM allegations, GM pigs, UK GM potato trials and new poll shows shoppers reject GM animal feed.
30 Apr 2010
Indian moratorium on Bt brinjal, good and bad news roundup.
31 Oct 2009
Zero Tolerance, Thanks, but no thanks, Mr Herbert, Unauthorised GM flax contaminates EU and the world.
31 Jul 2009
EU update, GM wheat a long way off, American Academy of Environmental Medicine calls for GM ban.
30 Apr 2009
Secrecy over Somerset contamination, ECJ ruling against GM trial secrecy, Tough Welsh coexistence, EU GM bans victory.
30 Jan 2009
Devolved revolt against Whitehall, global rice contamination rumbles on, US regulation of GM.
30 Oct 2008
Scottish contamination, secret trials in the UK?, Monsanto ditch milk hormone.
30 Jul 2008
Commission to accept unauthorised GM in food, India and China not driving food crisis, US shuts down pesticide monitoring scheme.
28 Apr 2008
28 Nov 2007