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for a responsible, fair & sustainable food system

Support GM Freeze

Please donate to help defend vital protections for our food, our farms and the natural environment.

Graphic illustrating threats to GM safeguardsIf you would like to help GM Freeze to keep fighting plans to remove key GM safeguards, responding to new developments as they arise and supporting those who share our concerns to make their voices heard, please complete the form below to make a secure online payment with a credit or debit card.

If no form appears above (or if you just prefer), you can also:

  • Send a cheque (made payable to GM Freeze) to GM Freeze, 80 Cyprus Street, Stretford, Manchester, M32 8BE
  • Call us on 0845 217 8992 or email info[at] for details of how to donate directly into our bank account (see page footer for phone call costs).

Thank you