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for a responsible, fair & sustainable food system

Help us say NO to the release of experimental GMOs

Please donate on the form below to help GM Freeze fight the latest plans to release highly experimental GMOs in open field trials, in the UK.

April 2023

Plans have been published for five years of open-air experiments with GM camelina plants. The application documents list an extraordinary mixture of genes that will be crowbarred into the millions of plants in the proposed field trial, including synthetic DNA based on human, cattle, mouse and goat genes. GM Freeze has worked intensively to highlight public concern through the statutory consultation about these planned trials. We are now looking at other ways to respond but we can’t do that without your help.

Six hands held in the air with palms spread, with ‘GMO OMG’ written across them

GM Freeze has led responses to GM field trials for many years and discussion with colleagues in other organisations suggests that we are the only UK specialists able to both interpret the technical detail and support citizens to make their voices heard.

Last financial year it cost us almost £10,000 to respond to consultations like the one on these field trial plans. That’s around a sixth of our total turnover for the year. We receive grants for some work but that has to be planned well in advance, whereas consultations like this one crop up without notice and need a swift response. We created a special Trials and Authorisations fund so that people like you can ensure we keep doing this important, and always urgent, work.

This is a fast moving area of work – please give what you can today to help us respond quickly and effectively. Thank you.

If no donation form appears above or if you prefer to pay in another way, you can send a cheque (payable to GM Freeze) to: GM Freeze, Todmorden College, Burnley Road, Todmorden, West Yorkshire, OL14 7BX. or contact us on 0845 217 8992 or info[at] for details of how to pay directly into our bank account. Unfortunately we aren’t able to take card payments over the phone.